快乐watercolor Photoshop行动 这凉爽的作用创造一些与你点击我的图片。使整洁看海报,广告,banners,演示文稿保存天学院工作。 You get run the result(每时间你如何行动。酷is that?
什么是included (1 .atn行动文件 1 .abr文件(刷)
1 .pat文件(图样)
action is from the latest Photoshop CS6的Photoshop兼容的CC到2018年。the action will only in the English version of Photoshop工作。如果你是not using the English version of Photoshop,你可以改变它总是回来你的英语,然后使用本地语言本< HREF =“www.youtube.com HTTPS:/ /手表吗?gjaiu5w2gle V=></a>”法。创意alternatively for You can also云用户,这helpx.adobe.com使用HTTPS:/ / / / / change-install-language.html创意-云。
建议最佳图片size for the results,the range of using recommend图片在2500px–在5000px宽度。
after each is the文件action has finished打组织,它在组织结构创源井层。每一层是appropriately and folder to create a named for You整洁的工作环境。
the action is测试
action is between each完全测试在30–50 there are different to确保没有错误的图片。你在哪里我在茶馆体验安误差,请联系我通过我的profile page on the contact form。
how to configure Photoshop
1。你是用英语(make the version of Photoshop。每个action has been created to work with the only和optimized英语version of that make sure的Photoshop,我请你是using this version。if not,不要担心:You can change the language of your version of to English(Photoshop和交换机using this method回来)
2。使用8位的RGB彩色模式和茶。these settings to check,Go to check the图像→“模式和RGB彩色”和“8位/通道”。
3。“the option add that make sure to是复制层和群是is copied”批判。applies only to this option versions of Photoshop CS5和以后。在“层”面板,点击菜单icon on the go to”小组,期权和check that the……”,“文件是复制到群层和is copied”批判。
4。在高光与72dpi前使用。如果你使用图片72dpi with less,the action will not功能正确。Go to this to fix,图像>图像尺寸和分辨率增加茶的价值。
5。opacity画刷to set the of 100 %。opacity画刷to set the of the 100 %。“select the move the opacity画刷工具和滑块到100%。
如果你需要援助或任何其他行动action with this,请首先确保你have the inside the readme.txt文件读取zip文件。
如果你是我experiencing问题,请通过电子邮件联系我:at the graphicriver.net HTTPS /形态/用户/ ninebrains